Yes. This reminds me of something Marianne Williamson wrote on nature. It’s not us against the universe. The universe supports us, if we get out of our own way...

Well done.

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Awesome. Well said!

Breathwork is a great way to become conscious and aware of the life force in you. Feel the life force as you breathe. Thank you for the great words of wisdom!

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Breathwork has been so helpful and healing for me, too. So glad you're here. Thank you for the kind words!

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Kevin Kaiser

Amen, my brother....It's all so amazing. "I AM" is enough,.. just being. I have only recently learned this...that "experiencing being" is truly enough. Yet, I get the privilege to choose to do and to be so much more than I AM today. To become something new, all over again, every day. To be with., oh my goodness--to be with others, just being, doing, and experiencing Life together. what a gift.

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It's all so simple and clear, isn't it?

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Kevin Kaiser

Wonderful reminder about being present, attuned, and in harmony with self. This is a well thought out piece. I listened to the audio while reading along which helped me to feel your true intent as while speaking you made it more personal. Thank you.

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Thanks Nita! I’m so glad it encouraged you. 🙏🏼

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Listening to your recording was so incredibly relaxing and comforting - thank you ⭐️

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You’re welcome, Laura! I’m so glad it was encouraging to you.

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Such perfect words and exactly what I needed to read today. Thank you so much.

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You’re very welcome! 🙏🏼

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Love the reading!

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Thanks Scott!

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This was fun to read. I want more of Kevin the Poet. :)

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Ask and ye shall receive. More to come.

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I am very surprised, that after reading your article you have not mentioned God once, or did I miss it? Can anyone really not believe that He doesn't exist after delving into human life, as you have done. The human body is a complex 'machine' that not one person has ever been, or ever will be, able to explain it completely. How each part works and how each melds together to run the 'machine' can only be explained by He who designed it, and no one else... God!

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023Author

Hi Maggie. Your comment makes me smile because my words are ONLY pointing to The One, which most people call God. 😉 It is, in fact, the whole article.

Yours is a fair observation, though, and one that I understand. Generally speaking, I almost never use the word "God" anymore because the mind automatically creates an image of what that means based on its cultural conditioning. Which God do we mean? Ask ten people to define God, you'll get a lot of different answers. Most of us even have our own conflicting ideas.

To look at it from another angle, I have Christian friends in the Middle East who pray to Allah (the Arabic equivalent of our English word, "God"). Yet, I imagine if I told most western people that Allah created everything they might not agree because we've been conditioned that Allah is a word exclusive to Islam. Language often just gets in the way.

These days, if I must use a word at all, I prefer Being because the mind has nothing to grab onto. Try to describe Being and see for yourself. The mind has a hard time putting a concept to it, though we have a felt sense of what we mean. "Being" also points to the truth that the Apostle Paul mentions when he quotes Epimenides in Acts 17:28 in the New Testament: "In Him we live and move and have our (very) being."

This Ultimate One, who cannot be accurately described by any concept at all, isn't simply a being, it is Being itself. It is the very source and fabric of all existence--uncontainable and indescribable, which is why the Jewish people considered it blasphemy to even utter the name YHWH. The most accurate response, they believe even to this day, is reverent silence.

I hope that gives you a different, and maybe new, perspective that you find helpful.

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I agree with Lucy. You have done a beautiful job of describing a state, of the divine, which is beyond words. I have noticed how "he" is so much easier to say than "she" when referring to Being...and how both "he" and "she" so firmly miss and include the mark. What a lovely explanation and exploration. And yes to the breathwork mentioned here. That allows some incredible states...but many things are doorways, or not. Heartfelt desire is everything.

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Wonderful explanation, Kevin. The problem begins when we start labelling: God, Allah, Yahweh, Brahman. And then, the conflict begins - my god is better than yours. Like the zen admonition: if you open your mouth, you have lost it.

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Kevin Kaiser

This reply should be turned into an article

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I think I might. Thanks for the suggestion, Lucy.

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