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Can you trust life? Trust it knowingly and on purpose? You already depend on it, though it’s so close you barely notice it. We all overlook it most of the time. Notice: Do you make your own heart beat? How do your kidneys know how to work? Must you remind them what to do? Do you have to remember to grow your fingernails or create more red blood cells each morning? How hard must you work to heal a scratch on your skin, or digest your food and transform it to energy? When was the last time you had to make an effort to see, taste, touch, smell or hear? These simply happen on their own, without any effort on your part. Life is happening. Its very nature is living. No thought is required of the sun or the planets to dance through space. The tides rise and fall with no anxious planning or concern. Winds flow freely without following anyone’s orders. Life itself is intelligent, effortless being. And so are you because you are Life. You are not and could never be separate from it. Life is living you—in you, through you, as you. Know that deeply. Intuitively. See if you can sense it right now. Sink your mind into this simple, obvious fact. You are here. It’s undeniable.
Because you’re here, you belong. You’re here because the entire universe is. You are proof of infinite creativity. Recognize this. You don’t have to become it. You are it already. Trust this. But what if you can’t? What difference does all this make anyway? Life doesn’t feel very effortless. It’s stressful. There’s plenty of pain to go around. We have mortgages to pay. Futures to worry about. The ocean may not have to plan, but I do, you might say. All the more reason to trust Life. Why? Because everything I’m saying would still be true if everything we place our trust in—our bank accounts, jobs, relationships, and roles we play in the world—vanished overnight. All those things appear within Life, not the other way around. They come, they go, but Life is always here. It is the Real. I am here right now. You are here right now. Life is living us and we already trust it for our next heartbeat, our next breath, our next thought. What might happen if our trust was clear-eyed and intentional?
Yes. This reminds me of something Marianne Williamson wrote on nature. It’s not us against the universe. The universe supports us, if we get out of our own way...
Well done.
Awesome. Well said!
Breathwork is a great way to become conscious and aware of the life force in you. Feel the life force as you breathe. Thank you for the great words of wisdom!