Its definitely a journey to “the awareness of being aware of Being”. Thats spirituality.
That cosmic consciousness resonates most through me when I see with the lens that we are a body in a soul vs a soul in a body. This frees me to be a creator vs reactor. A soul having a human experience.
John O’Donohue’s writing and Richard Wagamese helped me peel off the layers so I could remember I was stardust.
Being as opposed to doing.
Rilke asking...Am I a falcon? A storm? Or a never ending song?
Each and all. In and between. Widening circles. A soul.
Its definitely a journey to “the awareness of being aware of Being”. Thats spirituality.
That cosmic consciousness resonates most through me when I see with the lens that we are a body in a soul vs a soul in a body. This frees me to be a creator vs reactor. A soul having a human experience.
John O’Donohue’s writing and Richard Wagamese helped me peel off the layers so I could remember I was stardust.
Being as opposed to doing.
Rilke asking...Am I a falcon? A storm? Or a never ending song?
Each and all. In and between. Widening circles. A soul.