Dec 30, 2023Liked by Kevin Kaiser

I really am going to try this technique. I meditate daily with the question “who do I want to be when I open my eyes and how do I wan t to feel?”

Same concept here I expect. Just thinking ahead for the year.

I love the idea of creating a story.

Thank you

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Definitely give it a test drive. It’s been a very effective re-framing exercise in my life.

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Thank you, Kevin, for the structure, a way to envision goals without staring into the abyss.What you want for the year is shifted to the rear view mirror. By reversing perspective, in a way reflecting on what hasn't come about, and eliminating the unwanted, you empower yourself to meet the challenges. I like neti-neti! It's a gentle, integrative way to plan the year.

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I’m so glad it resonated with you. Happy New Year!

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I love that approach Kevin! With that story setting 2024 looks like one hell of a great year! If we believe it, we see it. It certainly helps the invisible - become visible. Thanks for being you. Happy new year.

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I can’t wait to see the story you live, Jamie. I’ll be cheering you on the whole way.

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Jan 4Liked by Kevin Kaiser

Grabbing my journal and favorite pen right now ...!

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Super usual article Kevin, I have done this exercise this morning on news year day, and it made me feel wonderfully positive and optimisitc all day. I must of admit, a little anti on doing the Anti year view, in fear it will make feel low. I'm all for feeling the joy and letting it sink in the body, as this is the key to truely feeling and wanting it and then going for it. thanks for sharing this exercise

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As someone who was struggling to figure out a better way to reflect on the year and set goals for the next, thank you! I just did the exercises. The frame of "What does fully alive feel like a year from now" makes the goals so much simpler and more powerful feeling. It also helped me shift from accomplishments to habits. I had set 15 goals last year and accomplished two of them. This year I've got 4.

Also I love the ideas behind the phrases "heroic doses of nature," “put my oxygen mask on first,” and "the mind creates time."

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It brings a smile to my face that this was helpful to you, Johnny. Here’s to a new year of wonder, clarity, and a story well lived for both of us!

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Kevin Kaiser

Ha! KK, I love this. Thank you. I'm staring into a blank canvas of a 2024 not quite sure how to progress. And then I read your letter! Thank you, my friend.

Happy New Year!

Grace and peace,


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I hope it brings as much clarity for you as it does me. Wishing you adventure, wonder, and joy in the new year my friend.

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It's all about the power of the mind to create the stories we want to have for ourselves. The reframing.

Its been my life work to move away from the neti neti of limiting beliefs. And it continues.

I love how you put this process on to paper Kevin. I think SMART goals are becoming a thing of the past for so many people as they are not all encompassing or holistic. We need to truely FEEL as if we have already "arrived." Thank you for your thoughts here. And a very Happy New Year to you! 💥

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For me it’s about being over doing. That’s been a transformational reframe for me. Hope you have a wonderful NYE! May it be the beginning of a new adventure for you!

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Delicious! Thank you for sharing.

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You’re welcome! (And I love that you described my words as delicious). Happiest of New Years to you!

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Thank you so much for this! I'm finding myself in a state of panic over the limbo between Christmas and New Year.. I feel like I've tried everything from new years resolutions to ditching the concept of them entirely and it just feels overwhelming either way. But I appreciate the creativity of writing your own life like a story and figuring out how to make it non-fiction. Just reading through this I felt answers bubbling up for me so I am looking forward to the insight I get from sitting down with this method!

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That's wonderful. It's always taken the pressure off me to do it this way. Rather than trying to figure things out, I'm starting with what I already want by telling my own story about it. Experiment with it and see what works for you. : )

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This is a very valuable technique, thank you for sharing. I’ll think on how to reflect on your method and probably use it. Ofc, I find it difficult to cop with so quickly, probably because as you said, we’ve been programmed to set targets from “here” to “there” most of our lives.

Thank you again ✌️

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You're very welcome! I'm glad it resonated with you and could be useful.

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So many practices, concepts and phrases resonate with me. Thanks, Kevin! Wishing you all the best for 2024.

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